The Pirbright Institute openly shares its research across a range of outputs and is committed to recognising the value of all scientific contributions and the way in which this is assessed.
Pirbright is therefore delighted to have become a signatory of the Declaration on Research Assessment. The Institute recognises that assessing our scientists’ research extends well beyond the basic requirement of avoiding criteria based on journal impact factor. The Pirbright Institute supports best practice principles in research assessment at an Institute and individual level.
Improving our research assessment
At Institute level, we use a broad definition of research excellence that encompasses a range of outputs, including journal publications, and open data resources; recognises research leadership e.g. coaching or mentoring; and which values societal impact, science translation and public engagement.
Our criteria for recruitment and promotion are based on scientific merit of publications, not the journals in which they were published and scientific excellence. We will take into account unconscious bias, particularly in gender and ethnicity, and potential to disadvantage early career scientists.
In assessing the quality of our science, we consider all research outputs and a broad range of impact measures.
We will be transparent and explicit about which metrics we are using (if any), why, and the methodologies behind any measurements.
DORA in detail
More information about DORA can be found at